Master of Fine Arts ( MFA ) (Applied Art / Painting / Sculpture / Metal Work / Textile Design / Interior Design / Ceramics / Graphics Printmaking ) 2 YEARS BFA
M.Sc. (Multimedia and Animation / Jewellery Design / Gemology / Textile Designing/
Interior Designing/Beauty and Spa Management / Fashion Designing)
B. Sc. ( Multimedia and Animation / Jewellery Design / Gemology / Textile Designing / Interior Designing / Beauty and Spa Management / Fashion Designing / Footwear Technology) 3 YEARS 12TH
Bachelor of Fine Arts ( BFA ) / Bachelor of Fine Arts ( BFA ) (Applied Art / Painting /Sculpture  / Metal Work / Textile Design / Interior Design / Ceramics / Graphics Printmaking 3 YEARS 12TH
Diploma in Photography / Garments Construction & Embroidery 4 SEMESTER 10TH
Certificate in Garments Construction & Embroidery 6 MONTHS 10TH