S.N | Programs | Duration | Eligibilty |
1 | Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications {PGDCA) | 12 Months | Graduate in any Discipline |
2 | Post Graduate Diploma in Internet of Things { loT) and Artificial Intelligence{Al) {PGDITAI) | 12 Months | Graduate |
3 | Diploma in Computer App lication (DCA) | 12 Months | 12th Pass |
4 | Diploma in Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking (DCSEH) | 12 Months | 12th Pass |
5 | Diploma in Big Data Hadoop (DBDH) | 12 Months | 12th Pass |
6 | Diploma in Mobile Appl ication Development- Android & iphone (DMADAI) | 12 Months | 12th Pass |
7 | Diploma in Data Ana lysis (ODA) | 12 Months | Graduate in any Technical Stream |
8 | Certificate in Computer Applications (CCA) | 6 Months | 10th Pass |
9 | Certificate in Web Technology {CWT) | 6 Months | 12th Pass |
10 | Certificate in Multimedia and Animation Designing {CMAD) | 6 Months | 12th Pass |
11 | Certificate in Java Programming (CJP) | 6 Months | 12th Pass |
12 | Certificate in Computrized Word Processing {Hindi/English) (CCWP) | 4 Months | 8th Pass |
13 | Certificate in Web Designing using PHP& MY SQL (CWDPM) | 4 Months | 12th Pass |
14 | Certificate for BPO & Call Center {CBCC) | 4 Months | 10th Pass |
15 | Certificate in Data Analysis (CDA) | 4 Months | Graduate |
16 | Advance Certificate in Digital Marketing {ACOM) | 4 Months | 12th Pass |
17 | Certificate in Search Engine Optimization (CSEO) | 4 Months | 12th Pass |
18 | Certificate in Social Media Marketing{CSMM) | 4 Months | 12th Pass |
19 | Certificate in Content Marketing (CCM) | 4 Months | 12th Pass |
20 | Certificate in Affiliate Marketing (CAM) | 4 Months | 12th Pass |
21 | Certificate in E-commerce (CEC) | 4 Months | 12th Pass |
22 | Certificate in Web Ana lytics (CWA) | 4 Months | 12th Pass |
23 | Certificate in Search Engine Marketing{CSEM) | 4 Months | 12th Pass |
24 | Certificate in Email Marketing (CEM) | 4 Months | 12th Pass |
25 | Certificate in C++ (CC) | 3 Months | 10th Pass |
26 | Certificate in Computer Concepts (CCC) | ||
27 | Certificate in Application Software (CAS) | ||
28 | Certificate for Data Entry Operator{CDEO) | ||
29 | Certificate in Desk Top Publishing{CDTP) | ||
30 | Certificate in ITIL {CITIL) | ||
31 | Certificate Course in Computer Programming {CCCP) | 4 Months | 10th Pass |
32 | Certificate Course in RDBMS Technology {CCRDBMS) | 4 Months | 10th Pass |
33 | Certificate Course in Visua l Basic {CCVB) | 2 Months | 10th Pass |
34 | Certificate Course in HTML & Web Page Design {CCHTML) | 2 Months | 10th Pass |
35 | Certificate Course in Visua l C++ & OOPS{CCVCO) | 3 Months | 10th Pass |
36 | Certificate Course in Windows{CCWIN) | 1Month | 10th Pass |
37 | Certificate Course in MS-OFFICE {CCMSO) | 2 Months | 10th Pass |
38 | Certificate Course in Unix Operating System (CCUNIX) | 2 Months | 10th Pass |
39 | Certificate Course in MS-Word (CCWORD) | 1Month | 10th Pass |
40 | Certificate Course in Power Point (CCPP) | 1Month | 10th Pass |
41 | Certificate Course in MS-Excel {CC EXCEL) | 1Month | 10th Pass |
42 | Certificate Course in MS-Access {CC ACCESS) | 1Month | 10th Pass |
43 | Certificate Course in Basic Programming {CCBASIC) | 2 Months | 10th Pass |
44 | Certificate Course in C Programming {CCCPRO) | 2 Months | 10th Pass |
45 | Certificate Course in Internet {CCINTNET) | 1Month | 10th Pass |
46 | Certificate Course in Linux (CCLINUX) | 4 Months | 10th Pass |
47 | Certificate Course in Front Page (CCFP) | 2 Months | 10th Pass |
48 | Certificate Course in Data Structure with C++ (CCDSC) | 2 Months | 10th Pass |
49 | Certificate Course in Auto CAD{CAUTOCAD) | 2 Months | 10th Pass |
50 | Certificate Course in Corel Draw (CCOREL) | 2 Months | 10th Pass |
51 | Advance Diploma in Computer Hardware and Networking (ADCHN) | 12 Months | 12th Pass |
52 | Diploma in Electrical Technician (DET) | 12 Months | 10th Pass |
53 | Diploma in Refrigeration and Air- conditioning (DRA) | 12 Months | 10th Pass |
54 | Diploma in IT Hardware Service and Technical Support (DIHSTS) | 12 Months | 12th Pass |
55 | Certificate for TV Repair Technician (CTRT) | 6 Months | 10th Pass |
56 | Certificate in Motor and Transformer Winding (CMTW) | 6 Months | 10th Pass |
57 | Certificate in Computer Hardware Engineering (CCHE) | 6 Months | 12th Pass |
58 | Certificate in Advance Networking (CAN) | 6 Months | 12th Pass |
59 | Certificate in Networking Technology (CNT) | 3 Months | 12th Pass |
60 | Certificate for DTH Installer and Service Technology (CDIST) | 3 Months | 10th Pass |
61 | Certificate in Laptop Repairing (CLR) | 3 Months | 12th Pass |
62 | Certificate in Assembly of PC (CAP) | 3 Months | 10th Pass |
63 | Certificate Course in Client Server Technology (CCCST) | 4 Months | 10th Pass |
64 | Certificate Course in Network System Administration (CCNSA) | 4 Months | 10th Pass |
65 | Certificate in Inverter and UPS Repairing (CIUPSR) | 3 Months | 12th Pass |
66 | Certificate course in Scanner & Printer Maintenance (CCSPM) | 2 Months | 10th Pass |
67 | Certificate Course in Monitor & SMPS Repairing (CCMSMPS) | 2 Months | 10th Pass |
68 | Certificate Course in UPS & CVT Maintenance (CCUPSCVT) | 1Month | 10th Pass |
69 | Certificate Course in Basic Electrical Training and House Wiring | 45 Days | 5th Pass |
70 | Diploma in Banking Operations (DBO) | 12 Months | 12th Pass |
71 | Certificate in Retail Banking Operations (CRBO) | 6 Months | 12th Pass |
72 | Certificate in Banking Asset Operations (CBAO) | 6 Months | 12th Pass |
73 | Certificate in Rural Banking Operations and Sales (CRBOS) | 6 Months | 12th Pass |
74 | Certificate for Debt Recovery Agents (CDRA) | 3 Months | 12th Pass |
75 | Certificate in Financial Services Sales (CFSS) | 6 Months | 12th Pass |
76 | Certificate for Micro Finance Professionals (CMFP) | 3 Months | 12th Pass |
77 | Certificate in Non-Banking Finance Company Operations (CNBFCO) | 3 Months | 12th Pass |
78 | Diploma in Practice of Insurance and Re-Insurance (DPIR) | 12 Months | 12th Pass |
79 | Post Graduate Diploma in Insurance and Risk Management (PGDIRM) | 12 Months | Graduate in any Discipline |
80 | Certificate in Micro and Rural Insurance (CMRI) | 6 Months | 12th Pass |
81 | Certificate in Insurance Marketing and Sales (CIMS) | 3 Months | 10th Pass |
82 | Certificate in Computerised Financial Accounting (CCFA) | 3 Months | 10th Pass |
83 | Post Graduate Diploma in Agri- Business Management (PGDABM) | 12 Months | Graduate in any Discipline |
84 | Certificate in Horticulture Nursery Management (CHNM) | 6 Months | 10th Pass |
85 | Certificate in Operation and Maintenance ofTractor (COMT) | 3 Months | 8th Pass |
86 | Certificate in Mushroom Production Technology (CMPT) | 2 Months | 10th Pass |
87 | Certificate for Trainee Associate (CTA) | 4 Months | 12th Pass |
88 | Certificate for Sales Associate (CSA) | 4 Months | 10th Pass |
89 | Certificate for Store Operation Assistant (CSOA) | 3 Months | 10th Pass |
90 | Certificate for Cashier (CFC) | 3 Months | 10th Pass |
91 | Diploma in Food & Beverage Service (DFBS) | 12 Months | 12th Pass |
92 | Certificate for Food and Beverage Service – Steward (CFBSS) | 6 Months | 12th Pass |
93 | Certificate for Food and Beverage Service – Trainee (CFBST) | 6 Months | 12th Pass |
94 | Certificate for Front Office Associate (CFOA) | 4 Months | 12th Pass |
95 | Certificate for Travel Consultant (CTC) | 4 Months | 12th Pass |
96 | Diploma in Fashion Designing (DFD) | 12 Months | 12th Pass |
97 | Certificate in Cutting & Tailoring (CCT) | 6 Months | 8th Pass |
98 | Certificate for Sewing Machine Operator (CSMO) | 3 Months | 8th Pass |
99 | Certificate for Fashion Designer (CFFD) | 3 Months | 12th Pass |
100 | Certificate for Self Employed Tailor (CSET) | 3 Months | 8th Pass |
101 | Certificate Course in Basic Cutting and Tailoring (CCBCT) | 45 Days | 5th Pass |
102 | Diploma in Beauty, Personal Care & Hair Styling (DBPCHS) | 12 Months | 12th Pass |
103 | Certificate for Beauty Therapist (CBT) | 6 Months | 10th Pass |
104 | Certificate for Hair Stylist (CHS) | 4 Months | 10th Pass |
105 | Certificate for Assistant SPA Therapist (CAST) | 4 Months | 10th Pass |
106 | Certificate for Yoga Instructor (CYI) | 3 Months | 12th Pass |
107 | Certificate Course in Basic of Beauty and Hair Dressing (CCBHD) | 45 Days | 5th Pass |
108 | Diploma in Diesel Engine Repair (DOER) | 12 Months | 10th Pass |
109 | Certificate in Welding Technology (CWELT) | 4 Months | 8th Pass |
110 | Certificate in Hi-Tech Welding Technology (CHTWT) | 3 Months | 8th Pass |
111 | Certificate Course in Diesel Engine Servicing (CCDES) | 45 Days | 5th Pass |
112 | Certificate in Welding Technology (CWELT) | 4 Months | 8th Pass |
113 | Certificate in Hi-Tech Welding Technology (CHTWT) | 3 Months | 8th Pass |
114 | Certificate in Fire Safety and Security Management (CFSSM) | 6 Months | 10th Pass |
115 | Certificate in Operation and Maintenance of Earth Moving Equipment (COMEE) | 4 Months | 10th Pass |
116 | Certificate for Land Surveyor (CLS) | 3 Months | 10th Pass |
117 | Certificate for JCB Operator (CJO) | 3 Months | 8th Pass |
118 | Certificate Course in Food Processing {CCFP) | 3 Months | 10th Pass |
119 | Certificate Course in Food Preservation (CCFOOD) | 45 Days | 5th Pass |
120 | Certificate for Solar Panel Installation Technician {CSPIT) | 3 Months | 10th Pass |
121 | Diploma in Pharmacy Assistant (DPA) | 12 Months | 12th Pass |
122 | Certificate for Medical Dresser (CMD) | 12 Months | 10th Pass |
123 | Certificate for Bedside Assistant {CBA) | 3 Months | 8th Pass |
124 | Certificate for General Duty Assistant {CGDA) | 3 Months | 10th Pass |
125 | Diploma in Entrepreneurship Development (OED) | 12 Months | 12th Pass |
126 | Diploma in Career Counselling and Guidance {DCCG) | 12 Months | Graduate in any Discipline |
127 | Certificate in Spoken English (CSE) | 3 Months | 10th Pass |
128 | Certificate in Personality Development {CPD) | 1Month | 10th Pass |
129 | Certificate in Video Production (CVP) | 6 Months | 12th Pass |
130 | Certificate in Radio Programme Production (CRPP) | 6 Months | 12th Pass |
131 | Certificate Course in Citizen Journalism and Citizen Media (CCCJCM) | 3 Months | Graduation |
132 | Certificate for Optical Fibre Splicer (COFS) | 3 Months | 10th Pass |
133 | Certificate for Optical Fibre Technician (COFT) | 3 Months | 10th Pass |
134 | Certificate for Mobile Handset Repair Technician (CMHRT) | 3 Months | 10th Pass |
135 | Certificate in First (Al) Level French Language (CFLFL) | 5 Months | 8th Pass |
136 | Certificate in Second (A2) Level French Language (C5LFL) | 5 Months | 8th Pass |
137 | Certificate in German Language (CGL) | 5 Months | 8th Pass |
138 | Certificate in Japanese Language (OL) | 5 Months | 8th Pass |
139 | Certificate in Spanish Language (CSL) | 5 Months | 8th Pass |
140 | Certificate for Artificia l Intelligence Professional (CAIP) | 3 Months | Graduate in any Discipline |
141 | Certificate for Cyber Security Professional (CCSP) | 3 Months | Graduate in any Discipline |
142 | Certificate in Online-Teaching (COT) | 2 Months | Graduate in any Discipline |
143 | Certificate in Critical Reasoning (CCR) | 1Month | Graduate in any Discipline |
144 | Certificate in Time Management SKILL (CTMS) | 1Month | 12th Pass |
145 | Certificate in Data Ana lysis Using Python Programming (CDAUPP) | 1Month | Graduate in any Discipline |
146 | Certificate in Data Ana lysis using R Programming (CDAURP) | 1Month | Graduate in any Discipline |
147 | Certificate in Leadership SKILL (CLS) | 1Month | 12th Pass |
148 | Certificate in Risk Management (CRM) | 1Month | 12th Pass |
149 | Certificate in Change Management (CCM) | 1Month | 12th Pass |
150 | Certificate in Project Management Professional (CPMP) | 1Month | 12th Pass |
151 | Certificate in ITIL Foundation (CITILF) | 1Month | Graduate in any Discipline |
152 | Advance Diploma in Nursery Teacher’s Training (ADNTI) | 24 Months | 12th Pass |
153 | Diploma in Computer Teacher’ s Training (DCTI) | 12 Months | 12th Pass |
154 | Diploma in Nursery Teachers Training (DNTI) | 12 Months | 12th Pass |
155 | Certificate in Nursery Teachers Training (CNTI) | 6 Months | 12th Pass |
156 | Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Education (CECCAE) | 4Months | 10th Pass |
157 | Certificate in Teach ing Using ICT (CTUI) | 1Month | 12th Pass |
158 | Tally Essential Level 1 | 35 Hours | |
159 | Tally Essential Level 2 | 35 Hours | |
160 | Tally Essential Level 3 | 36 Hours | |
161 | Tally Essential Comprehensive | 106 Hours |